Save and load sets of parameters in NinjaTrader
Solution :SaveAndLoad adds a new system-wide feature for saving and loading any number of parameter sets, for indicators, for strategies, for the Strategy Analyzer!
Save as many as you want, and recall them later. You could have settings (for example) for the ES, CL, 6E etc, and recall them with a few clicks. There is no limit to the number of parameters or settings you can save.
You might wish to use different strategy settings on AAPL versus GOOG, or EURUSD and GBPUSD. No problem, SaveAndLoad can help.

SaveAndLoad appears at the top of every Indicator and every Strategy parameters dialogue.
There is one line for an information display, "Current File", and three lines for controls:
Load Parameters
Use this to load a set of Indicator or Strategy parameters from a file saved somewhere on your computer.
Save Parameters
Use this to save a set of Indicator or Strategy parameters to a file.
Set As Default
Use this to turn a set of parameters into the automatically loaded Defaults whenever you add this Indicator or Strategy to a chart.
If you have recently Saved or Loaded some parameters, the file used is shown in the Current File display.
To Save a set of parameters for an Indicator or a Strategy, click on the Save Parameters input and select Save.

You will then see a standard Windows dialogue which allows you to select a location on your computer and a name for the file.

In this example we've typed in "MACD for scalps" but you can name the file anything you like. You can save files anywhere, but SaveAndLoad automatically creates a folder inside the Documents/NinjaTrader 7 folder and this is a handy place for you to keep all your settings files.
TIP! SaveAndLoad remembers where you have saved and loaded Indicators separately to where you have saved and loaded Strategies. A good idea is to create yourself an extra folder or two and put things where you can easily find them.
Once you've selected where to save, named your file and clicked the Save button, you'll see the name of the file displayed back in the NinjaTrader dialogue.

There is a tiny cross symbol next to Current File. If you click it you can see the full filepath of your saved or loaded file.

You can Load a file you've saved in a similar way. If you click to the right of Load Parameters you can select Load and you will get a standard Windows dialogue which helps you locate and select a file of parameters you wish to load. You must choose a file that you saved for this particular Indicator or Strategy - for example you can't load a settings file for Stochastics into a MACD.

Once you've located your file, selected it and clicked the Open button, you'll see the filename displayed in the Current File area and all your parameters will have automatically been restored to your saved values.
With this MACD example we've only got 3 parameters, but some indicators and strategies have dozens of parameters. SaveAndLoad is a major timesaver, and also can eliminate the possibility of human error during manual setting of the parameters.

For technical reasons, tcSaveAndLoad will not be available for indicators or strategies that are installed in a DLL. In general, this means any commercial indicator or strategy you have purchased will not be able to use tcSaveAndLoad.
SaveAndLoad uses a special authorisation code for licensing. When you purchase SaveAndLoad, you advise us of your NinjaTrader Machine Id. You can get this information from NinjaTrader's Help/About menu. Then we send you a code that authorises SaveAndLoad for your computer. We provide a special utility indicator called tcSaveAndLoadAuthorizer. Select the tcSaveAndLoadAuthorizer indicator from the list of indicators on the right, click New to load it onto the chart and click Apply.

You'll see, at first, a big message at top left saying your computer is not yet authorised.

Once you've entered the code we've supplied you and clicked Apply or OK, the display will change to show your authorsation. You can then remove the tcSaveAndLoadAuthorizer indicator from the chart and not worry about it any further. Your computer will stay authorised until something major happens to it, such as a NinjaTrader uninstall/re-install, change of hard drive, etc.

A purchase of SaveAndLoad qualifies you for lifetime use on a single computer.
If you have lots of strategy testing to do, or find yourself often inputting settings into NinjaTrader (perhaps you've written them down on a piece of paper or saved them in a spreadsheet) then SaveAndLoad will make a huge difference to your workflow, save time, and increase reliability. We think you'll love it.
NEW LOW PRICE! Lifetime license now $59 USD. Prices available in AUD and EUR.
Technical changes within NT8 mean SaveAndLoad cannot be used in the NT8 Strategy Analyzer.
NinjaTrader 7 SaveAndLoad works for indicators on charts and for strategies on charts and in the Strategy Analyzer.
NinjaTrader 8 SaveAndLoad works for indicators on charts and for strategies on charts.
NEW LOW PRICE ! lifetime license now $59 USD. Prices available in EUR and AUD.
Prices available in EUR and AUD. Click here to purchase.
Tired of changing Indicator and Strategy parameters over and over again?
NinjaTrader normally allows you to save just one Default setting, which most people find insufficient. Using indicators and strategies on different timeframes or different Instruments often requires changing the parameters to suit. This can be quite laborious, especially for more complex parameter sets.